Loved it. 9/10

I really don't know what people want to see in order to rate a horror movie good. This one was very good amd I don't see movies getting any scarier than this. Sure The Shining is a good horror flick but ot isn't exactly scary, so do people not want scary horror movies or what? Because the scary ones doesn't get better than James Wans work lol





Parker's mother sure was one creepy lady.



Yes, I think this one is better than Insidious 1 and obviously also better than Insidious Chapter 3 this is how I rate them:

Insidious 1: 7.5/10
Insidious, chapter 2: 8.5/10
Insidious, chapter 3: 6/10

🎄 Vulgarity is no substitute for Wit- Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham


