How did he fall asleep?

I thought with all the barricading of a pretty solid steel door, it would lead to them being in the basement for a few hours so I didn't immediately laugh when Dalton suggested he should go to sleep. But Josh pretty much got straight into the room. How are we supposed to buy that Dalton was able to fall asleep so fast??


I thought exactly the same thing. Plus I would have thought the fact that your dad is possessed and attempting to murder your entire family would make it a little difficult to fall asleep.


I guess we're under-estimating exactly how much Dalton needed that power-nap!


That's hilarious!!! I can't stop laughing! I needed a good laugh! Thanks!


lol of all the lame failings in the detalis of this lame should write that down in "the 100 thing we learned" thread.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~




The same way we buy all kinds of stuff that doesn't add up in all kinds of movies and TV shows. We shrug our shoulders and move on with the flick. It can be distracting, though.

Actors do not have a job...they have a blast!


That doesn't justify sloppy writing. I agree with the sweeping generality of your comment but that doesn't really answer the question. Not that I seriously expect an answer 😀

'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.


Josh wasn't asleep when he astral projected as an adult, he made himself to do it. It could be assumed that Dalton knew how to make himself astral project. He could possibly do it more easily because his ability was not suppressed as long as Josh.


I think he did not so much "fell asleep" as much "entered the spirit world at will". he did not knew how to call it so he called it sleeping, but it was more of him opening a door and stepping through it, mentally.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Thank You! Man some folks are just dense.

