MovieChat Forums > Draft Day (2014) Discussion > So what would have the #6 pick REALLY co...

So what would have the #6 pick REALLY cost Seattle?

I want Bo Callahan, but you have the #6 pick. You call me and tell me I have to trade for your pick to get him. So I give you three....THREE!...first round picks AND my punt returner? No way. Wouldn't have happened in a million years. A few things to keep in mind. First, let's remember that YOU called ME. It's just a simple fact of life that when you call me, I am starting off in a superior bargaining position. It's just how the world works. Second, if you want Bo so bad, why are you calling me? You wouldn't. If I'm Seattle's GM, I'm saying no to the trade. I'll keep my THREE first rounders that I fleeced from you and my punt returner. I'll take my chances that you don't draft Bo. Either way, all those draft picks will enable me to build a rock solid offensive line.

Sorry. My rant is over. Getting down to my question, in that situation, what would Seattle have realistically had to give up to trade from 7 to 6? I'm thinking maybe ONE first rounder. MAYBE. Perhaps not even that much. One second rounder? Anyone else have any ideas as to the true cost?


The Browns traded from #7 to #6 in 2004 and gave up their second round pick that was considered a massive overpayment. You're probably looking at either #3 or a #4 and #5. Now for a QB you would expect a premium so maybe you would get a #2.


So you seem to suggest the cost would have been one second rounder at most. Makes sense.


For Bo, it MIGHT have cost Seattle a first round next year but no way more then that. Most likely a second round pick. Just one of the utterly silly things about the movie.


I know it's a movie but I can't believe Seattle didn't laugh at Costner and then hang up on him when he makes that idiotic proposal.


When the Chargers moved up from #3 to #2 in 98 to get Ryan Leaf they gave up their 1st and 2nd in 98, #1 in 99 and 2 players (one of which was a pretty good punt returner). In that draft Manning went #1, and that Cardinals who had the #2 pick had Jake Plummer so they auctioned the pick off, there were many teams in the bidding so the Chargers had to give up a lot. In the movie Callahan was dropping.


Costner never pretended that he wanted Bo, he just told him that he was gonna take him if they didn't make the deal. Seattle got the guy they wanted for 7 million less. Their GM was desperate since the fans had turned against him. He wants to keep his job, and he did what he had to do. God, did we even watch the same movie? I think you're a Bo Callahan/Eddie Martel type. We need Shane Falcos and Brian Drews on this board, thank you very much.
