Idk, I got some laughs

I see a lot of bad-mouthing this show. There were some funny scenes (IMO) in tonight's episode that got me laughing. I think the show may have improved some since the pilot.


It's starting to grow on me.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


That's cool. It's really not as bad as some of the people make it out to be. Yeah, the jokes are silly/childish. But some of the jokes are funny. Anyone with a good sense of humor, doesn't have an axe to grind, should be able to get on board.


I feel one of the show's underlying problems is it is trying to be too grown up while at the same time being about a dog that blogs and it doesn't know how to properly balance those elements, IMO.

When I say, grown up, some of the things Stan goes through as he adjusts to living with the Bennett-Jennings family are too adult even for Disney Channel. Being a Wingman, finding his purpose in life, worrying the kids are going to leave for college, etc. These are pretty heavy subjects, so it comes off unbelievable that a dog would be thinking about any of this, IMO.

I always say kids shows should have more depth to them... But this is not what I mean.

I feel DWAB takes it too far and often crosses the line into melodramatic territory and this ends up interfering with the broad comedy the show uses to appeal to its target audience (kids). I know most kids won't analyze the show as deeply, but I think older viewers like myself can't make the leap between a dog who acts like a dog one minute, but then has very mature and philosophical revelations not even people in their 30s have had yet. They should just treat the show as a fun and whimsical show like ANT Farm, or tone down the melodramatic bits of Stan trying to be "human" because right now this odd mix gives the show a Schizophernic tone.


Well, I prefer not to read so much into it. I just sit back and enjoy the show for what it is. I cannot enjoy a sitcom , especially whose target audience is children, if I spend half the time picking it apart. lol


That's my point, though.

Others think the show is "off" (not as funny as it should be) and I am giving a possible explanation of why.

I think the comedy would come off a lot better if the show wouldn't pretend to be a melodrama every other episode, or sometimes within the same episode.

Look at the next one about Avery joining the cheerleaders and dumping her best friend. Even the previews look melodramatic versus funny!

A lot of shows don't know how to properly balance comedy and drama and that means the whole tone of the show is off. Either that, or the comedy parts need much better writing because the "humor" in this show comes off feeling forced, IMO.
