MovieChat Forums > Dog with a Blog (2012) Discussion > Dog With a Blog Episode Titles and Airda...

Dog With a Blog Episode Titles and Airdates

October 12th - #101 - Stan of the House
November 4th - #102 - The Fast and the Furriest
November 11th - #103 - Dog With a Hog
November 18th - #106 - Wingstan
November 25th - #108 - World of Woofcraft
December 2nd - #104 - Bark! The Herald Angels Sing
January 13th - #109 - The Parrot Trap
January 27th - #105 - The Bone Identity
February 17th - #115 - Stan Stops Talking
February 24th - #107 - Dog Loses Girl
March 24th - #110 - Stan-ing Guard
April 7th - #111 - Freaky Fido
April 28th - #112 - Guess Who's a Cheerleader?
May 5th - #118 - Crimes of the Art
May 12th - #113 - Avery's First Crush
June 9th - #114 - The Truck Stops Here
June 23rd - #122 - Avery's First Breakup
July 14th - #116 - A New Baby
July 21st - #119 - Stan Talks to Gran
July 28th - #121 - Avery's Wild Party
August 11th - #120 - My Parents Posted What?
August 25th - #117 - Stan's Old Owner

"Has anyone seen my bucket of plutonium? It's about yay big and is super radioactive."



"Has anyone seen my bucket of plutonium? It's about yay big and is super radioactive."


And updated again.

"Has anyone seen my bucket of plutonium? It's about yay big and is super radioactive."


Updates for January.

"I do love a civil war. You know, these wars today are so rude and ill mannered."


Update for February.

"I do love a civil war. You know, these wars today are so rude and ill mannered."


IMDb thinks "The Parrot Trap" was "Dog Loses Girl," and that the catalog number and episode number are one in the same. I tried to correct them recently, and I never doubted there would be an episode named "Dog Loses Girl," but we all have to wait for it to go live.


IMDB is weird like that sometimes. In fact, a lot times. New episode March 24th.

"I do love a civil war. You know, these wars today are so rude and ill mannered."


Freaky Fido airs April 7th and Guess Who's a Cheerleader? airs on April 28th.

"I do love a civil war. You know, these wars today are so rude and ill mannered."


Crimes of the Art airs on May 5th and Avery's First Crush airs on May 12th.

"I do love a civil war. You know, these wars today are so rude and ill mannered."


The Truck Stops Here airs on June 9th and Avery's First Breakup airs on June 23rd.

"I do love a civil war. You know, these wars today are so rude and ill mannered."


A New Baby airs on July 14th, Stan Talks to Granairs on July 21st, and Avery's Wild Party airs on July 28th.

"It's like totes cray cray."


They have 2 episodes left of the season.. (22 eps was confirmed somewhere).. Disney went fast with this show. I'll assume they'll air the last two in August or spread them by a month.


My Parents Posted What? airs on August 11th and Stan's Old Owner airs on August 25th.

"It was like totes cray cray."
