What breed of dog is it?

If I had to guess, I would say Border Collie, Australian Shepherd mixed with some larger breed of dog. Anyway, he's a really cute dog.


Border Collie

You're amazing



My wife, who is very good with dogs, says mutt with a lot of White Shepherd in him. The dog is solid colored but is painted for the show. The Bio on 'Kuma' says Aussie / Husky mix but that was the first dog through episode 3, since episode 4 there was a new dog 'Mick' who does look rather light colored, virtually white. Mick is the one my wife would have been referring too.


I knew something was different about the dog, and not bad video quality, when I saw one of the very first episodes again recently. What happened to the first dog?

Yeah, I know filankey is not a word, but it's gonna catch on.


According to the dog with the blog Wiki the original dog, Kuma had a seizure on the set http://dogwithablog.wikia.com/wiki/Kuma

I don't know, I thought I saw a close up of a white paw push him down the stairs in 'New Stan in Town' (just joking of course).
