MovieChat Forums > Dog with a Blog (2012) Discussion > All of sudden they are doing more seriou...

All of sudden they are doing more serious episodes??

Just saw the one with Avery getting her heart broken and the Mom had a touching moment with her. Then the one about Avery's use of the internet and now the season finale is looking serious.

Are they doing this because they are losing the Family dynamic with GLC ending soon?


DWAB is one of those shows that takes its cues from classic sitcoms like Full House and Step By Step. Only problem is, people could give less of a damn and they see right through the show as a whole.


This show could have done alright if they didn't have the talking dog. I don't see the point of adding all that work with the talking dog action and voicing.

Either they shouldn't have made the dog talk, or they shouldn't have had a dog at all.


The talking dog is a "hook" designed to draw your attention to the show. I suppose in this case a hook to reel in the younger kids in Disney's target audience.

A talking dog is more believable to me than a muppet playing a human boy's brother, as on Crash and Bernstein.

Yeah, I know filankey is not a word, but it's gonna catch on.


As absurd as the premise is, and the premise is completely absurd, I have to say:

A) The absurd premise was enough to get me (who is way older than the target demographic) to check it out.


B) It is actually really funny sometimes.

In addition to being a hook or a gimmick it allows for a wide variety of situations other situation comedies just can't do.
