Dog With a Blog - Season 2 Episode Titles and Airdates
September 20th - #201 - Too Short
September 27th - #202 - Good Girl Gone Bad
October 4th - #203 - Howloween
October 11th - #204 - Stan Makes His Mark
November 1st - #205 - Tyler Gets a Girlfriend
November 22nd - #206 - Don't Karl Us, We'll Karl You
December 6th - #207 - Twas the Flight Before Christmas
January 10th - #210 - Lost in Stanslation
January 24th - #209 - Avery B. JealousSt
February 21st - #211 - Love Ty-Angle
February 28th - #213 - Stan Runs Away
March 7th - #212 - I Want My Nick Back, Nicky Back, Nicky Back
March 21st - #215 - Avery-body Dance Now
April 4th - #208 - The Green-Eyed Monster
April 11th - #218 - Who's Training Who?
May 16th - #219 - Love, Loss, and a Beanbag Toss
June 13th - #217 - How I Met Your Brother and Sister
June 20th - #216 - Will Sing For Food Truck
July 18th - #214 - Stuck in the Mini With You
July 25th - #220 - Pod People From Pasadena
August 1st - #221 - The Mutt and the Mogul
August 15th - #223 - Stan Gets Schooled
August 22nd - #222 - Karl Finds Out Stan's Secret
September 12th - #224 - The Kids Find Out Stan Blogs
"Weird is just a side effect of being awesome."