09/20/13 - 2.985M ~3.0M - Too Short 09/27/13 - 2.365M ~2.4M - Good Girl Go Bad 10/04/13 - 3.452M ~3.5M - Howloween 10/11/13 - 2.911M ~2.9M - Stan Makes His Mark 11/01/13 - 3.209M ~3.2M - Tyler Gets A Grillfriend 11/22/13 - 2.778M ~2.8M - Don't Karl Us, We'll Karl You 12/06/13 - 3.068M ~3.1M - Twas the Fight Before Christmas 01/10/14 - 2.377M ~2.4M - Lost in Stanslation 01/24/14 - 2.900M ~2.9M - Avery B. Jealous 02/21/14 - 2.410M ~2.4M - Love Ty-Angle 02/28/14 - 2.798M ~2.8M - Stan Runs Away 03/07/14 - 2.042M ~2.0M - I Want My Nikki Back, Nikki Back, Nikki Back 03/21/14 - 2.379M ~2.4M - Avery-Body Dance Now 04/04/14 - 2.390M ~2.4M - The Green-Eyed Monster 04/11/14 - 2.990M ~3.0M - Who's Training Who? 05/16/14 - 2.648M ~2.6M - Love, Loss, and a Beanbag Toss 06/13/14 - 2.537M ~2.5M - How I Met Your Brother and Sister 06/20/14 - 2.524M ~2.5M - Will Sing for Food Truck 07/18/14 - 2.046M ~2.0M - Stuck in the Mini with You 07/25/14 - 2.762M ~2.8M - Pod People From Pasadena 08/01/14 - 1.954M ~2.0M - The Mutt and the Mogul 08/15/14 - 2.547M ~2.5M - Stan Gets Schooled 08/22/14 - 2.234M ~2.2M - Karl Finds Out Stan's Secret 09/12/14 - 1.701M ~1.7M - The Kids Find Out Stan Blogs
Yeah, I've gone from occasionally watching the show to watching every episode. Really not a bad show.
Tbh, it's just like GLC, but instead of a baby, they have a talking dog. And instead of video diaries, they have the blogs. I do wish they could amp up the jokes/humor a bit.
One major flaw I have with this show is when they have the "sad" or "sentimental" scenes. They seriously always have to ruin them with an unfunny punch line.
Well I watched it for the first time BECAUSE of the utter absurdity of the premise. The odd thing is I haven't had many sitcoms make me laugh as much as this one does when its at its best.
(Sarcastically) Total shocker, lol. I think we all learned from iCarly that relationships should take a back seat. The Wes-based episodes were funny, but not just because of the "Wavery" stuff, not that those scenes were unfunny, but the rest of the episode was pretty funny too. The rest of the episode wasn't just filler, like those Jim and Gibby Scenes iLost my mind, or Carly with that DJ dude named Paul, DJ Paul lol (Three 6 Mafia joke that probably fell way short of everyone).
And I've been saying this show is awesome for over a year and probably looked foolish at first, but I never changed my position and the show actually got better since then. I'm glad a lot of other's like the show too. You're cheating yourself if you let the title turn you away. And IMO Stan, while pretty funny, is possibly the least funny character. Carl Fink might even be funnier than him.
The writer from That 70's Show write for it, so the show has a better chance with them than other writers. I do agree with the Mood-Whiplash. They do go from funny to sad to funny very quickly, A LOT. But at least they pointed it out themselves which adds to the show's humor and range.
I'm happy that it's up for an Emmy, however, I hope that, if it doesn't win, that Good Luck Charlie doesn't win either. It's BS that Degrassi is considered a children's program. I don't watch it, but is it funny. I know that "tackle those sensitive issues" but it shouldn't be against DWAB. That's like putting a Daniel-Day Lewis movie against a Kevin Hart movie. Nothing against either actor, but you get my point, I'm sure.
And I wouldn't consider this low either, since I think it might've had a season 1 episode or two in the 1.9 range. This was a hilarious episode and even I didn't catch it when it premiered because I was busy. And GMW still has BMW viewers who probably wouldn't give DWAB a chance, and probably rag on GMW, but would probably like DWAB if they watch it.
Renewal won't be based on ratings of a late season two episode. It will be based on Season 3 stuff. And I hope this and GMW both are doing good in a year, but GMW will be fine since it has more natural support.
I can't believe it's rated a 4.7 on here (as of this writing). That is a wicked disservice! Well, it's keeping up with a show that's an established franchise so there's that.
If you check out the ratings its about 26% 10 and 29% 1 with the rest spread fairly evenly in the middle. This suggests a lot of people have been voting 1 on it without ever watching it just based on the premise. My first reaction when I heard about it was that it is the stupidest concept for a show ever in the history of stupid concepts for shows; I watched it just to see how stupid a stupid show could be but oddly enough it is actually really funny.
Friday, August 1st 8:00 Dog With a Blog - 1.954M 8:30 Girl Meets World - 2.787M 9:00 Gravity Falls - 2.372M 9:30 Phineas and Ferb - 2.103M 9:45 Wander Over Yonder - 1.872M
I'm happy that it's up for an Emmy, however, I hope that, if it doesn't win, that Good Luck Charlie doesn't win either.
I want Dog with a Blog to win but I know Good Luck Charlie will most likely win. I know if Dog with a Blog wins, all the haters would be like "How could a stupid show like Dog with A Blog beat Good Luck Charlie. , "Good Luck Charlie should of won", etc. That would probably be all over the social media.
The Emmy's already happened, neither Good Luck Charlie or Dog with a Blog won. It was some documentary but some of the DWAB cast mentioned on Twitter that the director of the documentary mentioned in his speech that his daughter would be disappointed because she wanted DWAB to win.