Alternate Universe

One thing which puts Dog With a Blog in an alternate universe is the "Guess Who's Expelled from School?" story.

Max says her ancestress was burned as a witch in the Salem Witch Trials. Those convicted of witchcraft at Salem were hung according to English law. Unlike most continental realms, English law mandated death by hanging instead of burning for witchcraft.

(In addition, Giles Corey refused to make a plea of guilty or innocent and was pressed to do so. Despite being pressed he refused to make a plea until he was crushed to death.)

Max also calls her ancestress "Goody Edelsteen", despite the vast improbability of that surname in seventeenth century New England.


I think it's funny that you posted this, because we are reading "The Crucible" in English 3 right now lol! x)


Really yah talking dog doesn't put it in an alternate universe wow you so stupid.

Well done Mr. Mathews -George Feeny


Really yah talking dog doesn't put it in an alternate universe wow you so stupid.

A talking dog does not put it in an alternate universe. If the laws of nature are different so that a talking dog exists then that's a parallel universe.

An alternate universe is one where the laws of nature are the same but the course of events is different.

Get your science fiction terminology correct.

Also the talking dog does not necessarily put Dog With A Blog in an alternate universe or parallel universe, if there can be a scientific explanation for Stan's ability to talk.

If it was revealed that aliens or time travelers from the future or someone else with highly advanced science and technology gave Stan a voice box capable of making human words and a computer capable of understanding speech implanted in his brain.

Nobody knows if anything supernatural, such as various religious believed in by billions of people, is real. Thus if you believe that Stan's abilities could not have a scientific cause but require the supernatural, that is not enough to put the show in an parallel universe.

It is possible that the writers would be more or less claiming that the supernatural exists in the real world, and not in a parallel universe, if they ever offer a supernatural explanation for Stan's abilities.
