why did they make Avery so boy crazy
Her character started out as this intelligent goal oriented little girl, whose only passion was relegated to the desire to learn all that school had to offer. If anything she was a bit shy and awkward, the contrast to tyler. Then suddenly she is completely boy-crazy, ready to humiliate herself in anyway to get the attention of boys she liked-and she always picked boys for their looks.
We had a whole run of episode where Avery is a relationship expert,trying to teach nikki, a girl who was after Tyler to 'not' be boy cray, and to wait for the 'right one" then all of a sudden Avery is super crushing on everybody. Disney has a real opportunity to instruct girls on deciding between what is fake and what is true, and in this case they decided to degrade a spirited character, who in the original was unlimited in her potential, and turned her into a clown chasing after empty headed jocks.