White people problems

Sorry, had to say it. And I'm white. Not a guilty liberal white, either. There seems to be a genre of these films, possibly because money gets so concentrated into a few areas, the people in them seem to think an east coast liberal arts private school education is some kind of universal experience, and important. Their ideas of suffering would be laughed at by most of us in the 95%, but for them, mommy missing a piano recital has scarred them for life. Anyway, flame away!


"sorry, had to say it" - and it seems you had to say it twice on the same board! Just in case people missed out on your remarkable insight the first time.

It doesn't really deserve flaming, to be honest.

Presumably then, no one should ever make films about people unless they are suffering in some war torn developing nation?

It's perfectly possible to have emotions, feelings and experiences that are worth making a film about even if you live in New York State!

My God, it's full of stars!
