Shocking Spitting Situation
It was shocking when Conrad spit in his teacher's face. What made it worse was how it was handled. No apology? No shame or regret? No suspension? No counseling?
That is one messed up little boy and the consequence he gets for what is legally an assault on a teacher is, "Okay, Son, I'll change my sex life for you."???
It makes sense that this misguided father is making that mistake but why would the teacher and the principal just let him sit there like, "Tough, I did it - deal with it." What about the other kids in the classroom whom were exposed to that assault? And, their parents when they hear about it?
So, the lesson is that it's okay to spit in your teacher's face (but only when you disapprove of her sex life)? Nooooo!!!
That was so unbelievable.
Susan, "but I was thinking..." Leo, "STOP! Thinking is for losers!" - Scandal's satirical message.