Question re flip-flops

Just watched season 3 finale - can someone explain why John is so appalled that the baby's biological father wears flip-flops in the house? Seems ok to me - is it considered to be tacky in England??


LOL! John would have a tough time in California or Hawaii where we wear flip flops year round!


It is to John. He cited the flip flops as evidence that Greg is "gauche" (John's word).


What does that mean? Guess I could look it up. I think John is a pretentious a$$. I beginning to think I really do not like anyone but Allen and Celia.

It is not so much the destination as the journey!!!


John is rapidly becoming my favorite character simply because he is so self-delusional, self-centered, and pitifully and comically whiny!

He's jealous of Greg the Obscure, no one's idea of a swain, least of all Caroline's, and he's so convinced that he and Caroline would get back together if Greg weren't on the scene. Talk about needy! He and Gary should get together! They could supply one another's needs.


Tru dat. 


mme3924-1, you've summed up John perfectly. I always await his next entrance and exit because they're equally good.



mme3924-1 said:

John . . . is so . . . pitifully and comically whiny!

I loved a bit (in Ep. 5?) when Celia drives over to Gillian's to apologize to Alan for the epic funk that kept her from attending Caroline's wedding. John had driven Alan over earlier (Alan only wanted a ride to the train station, but of course, John grabbed at the chance to see Gillian, and of course, they both got drunk AGAIN).

Celia is coming up to the house and John is standing there with his hands deep in his pockets, as usual, and as Celia tries to get past him, he sways slightly from side to side, blocking her path. Brief flash of annoyance on Celia's face. These little bits add so much to the characters and make my little drama-loving heart swell with pleasure.

Meryl Streep is a shape-shifter.


I doubt he intentionally blocked Celia. Looked more like the awkward moment when two are trying to pass but don't know which direction the other is going to move because they do not communicate about it.



Ronni Ancona, the drunk mistress, is actually a very deft comedienne. You can see her on Youtube. Her Holly Golighty/Audrey Hepburn is terrific.



She was also in a UK ensemble sketch comedy series called "The Sketch Show" which I thought had some genuinely laugh out loud bits. All of the comics in it were very good. Kelsey Grammer later produced, and appeared in, a US re-make of it. Some of the originals (maybe only Lee Mack)? appeared in it, and whilst I love Kelsey Grammer, it didn't really have that zing. Apropos of nothing, I think most of the US version was directed by David Schwimmer.


Wanst she in "Dead Ringers" too? as she seems to be an accomplished impressionist


He cited the flip flops as evidence that Greg is "gauche" (John's word).

Ironic that John uses the word 'gauche' to describe Greg, which means: "lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward; crude; tactless," according to This really describes John!

And all the pieces matter (The Wire)


If John's nose was any higher he'd drown in the rain ... :)

Snooty, as well as envious, (Greg and Caroline, Lawrence and Greg).


Ha! If it weren't flip-flops, though, John would have another, equally silly, insult for Greg. John wants to move back in with Caroline, and he's annoyed and jealous that Greg is living in her house.

We've seen this scene a couple times before, where John comes to Gillian for sympathy, and Gillian then wonders whether she's picked the right guy/gives in to her impulse to have sex with whatever guy is in the vicinity. I think this repetition is part of the humor, and though it's basically the same scene over and over, it's wonderful how the actors make it different every time.

And not only will John come up with any old reason why Greg shouldn't be living with Caroline, there are probably actually a lot of legitimate reasons that Greg shouldn't be living there.

So, that Greg wears flip-flops IN THE HOUSE, is totally beside the point on both counts. Anyway, that's why I thought the 'flip-flops' line was hilarious.

Meryl Streep is a shape-shifter.


Imagine John's reaction had he heard Gary's wife's assumption that he and Greg were a gay couple, and that Flora was their baby!


Wow, that one flew right by me! When did she say that, njgill?

Meryl Streep is a shape-shifter.


When she saw them getting out of the car together when they arrived for the wedding. I think the John-Greg bromance was one of the cutest parts of the finale. 


Ha ha ha!

Meryl Streep is a shape-shifter.


LOL! It was a natural assumption on her part, too. They looked so connected, walking together, both beaming at the baby! Her reaction and comment to Gary was one of the wonderfully funny moments in this episode.
