I only "got" this distinction because I'd seen it already in the first episode of the BBC's "Sherlock". They are in a news conference about serial suicides and Lestrade makes some crack that "I know you like writing about this stuff" (because it's lurid) and his colleague whispers "Daily Mail!", obviously indicating that they'll skewer him.
Later in the show, some viewers spotted a copy of The Guardian at 221B Baker Street and there was a flurry of protests that the showrunners were leftists or some such thing.
Most Americans wouldn't use papers, but, as someone pointed out, TV news shows, like Faux News, vs MSNBC or PBS, to peg what a person's political leanings were.
I get a huge kick out of the arguments between Celia and Alan over their politics.
-Those we should know elude us. But we can...love without complete understanding.