Love it ....

Really enjoyed series 1 and so far series 2 seems even better. Mark Williams is an excellent Father Brown. Keep it up BBC .... This is probably the first decent day time series I have enjoyed thoroughly since Anzacs back in the 80's.

Colour me lavender ....... :)

Bad roof. Goooood parking. (Beetlejuice)


I remember ANZACS. Paul Hogan had a small role in it just before he became a global film star.

The second series of Father Brown has been great fun, we watch it as a family during the evening. Its a shame Susie is no loner in the new series.

Some of the regulars on this thread despise the series but each to their own.

Its that man again!!


Yes I wondered if I had missed the reason why Susie is no longer in the village, but overall series 2 has been really enjoyable. I can only hope they make several more series. Such a great cast, especially Mark Williams and his superb interpretation of the main lead.

PS Anzacs was one of those fantastic BBC afternoon drama series from the 80s which made wagging school worthwhile, and really got me into Aussie TV/films .... Excellent story which, as it was an afternoon series, still had the ability to make me tear up or laugh out loud. Also knowing what happened to the actor Jon Blake means it has a special place in my tv heart.

Bad roof. Goooood parking. (Beetlejuice)


I believe, according to Mark Williams, series 3 has been commissioned and will be 15 episodes long.

According to Wikipedia:

Actor Jon Blake was left brain-damaged in a car accident in Australia in 1986 just after the shooting of the Australian film The Lighthorsemen. He died in May 2011 at age 52.

Its that man again!!


I'm enjoying this series and indeed also enjoyed the first. I record and watch it in the evening with my wife who also enjoys it. I think some of the critics on these boards are missing the point that the series is based on G.K. Chesterton's character rather than the stories themselves. It's a relatively low budget series that's not pretending to be anything other than a piece of light entertainment that doesn't make you work too hard trying to work out 'who dunnit'.


Totally agree, I think that's the beauty of the series … the characters are fantastic and I am so glad the BBC have commissioned a third series already. I often wonder why people complain about books being made into series …. how scenes are portrayed in books can sometimes be impossible to transfer to big or small screen.

Maybe it's just that it's a series based upon a priest, and it's very trendy to despise the Church lately? I'll just continue to enjoy this wonderful series and ignore the critics!

Bad roof. Goooood parking. (Beetlejuice)


I have stopped watching this after the first series, ok I did watch the first episode and only an idiot would have a priest hole that could only be opened from the outside, you were hiding from an enemy and the house was being searched so you hid in the hole and hope that the people searching for you would not kill or torture the people left outside who knew the secret of opening the door.

that aside, since the episodes had nothing to do with the GKC stories, why on earth title after GKC stories, I can live with poor writing, bad acting, extra characters, but the producers are doing a dis-service to the Great man's works and stories.


I understand your point, but it's also true of most television based upon books / stories from 50+ years ago …. just look at CS Lewis' Narnia series ….. the modern day movies, whilst excellent in their own right, sometimes miss out great swathes of the books or tone down the religious overtones/predjudices.

I haven't minded artistic licence to be honest, but each to his own. I can understand why you feel that way. Hope you find something you do like soon! :)

Bad roof. Goooood parking. (Beetlejuice)


This is not GKC's stories. He wouldn't defame the church in this way.


I agree it's based on the character, and not the stories. It's quite easy to notice when the priest is acting as a priest, and it's not his job to be a detective like other shows normally lead on. I found it genuine that the priest was just doing his job as a priest, and not as a police detective.


My wife and I adore the Father Brown series. We do hope that recommendation standing alone will be sufficient cause for more seasons! Simply wonderful British series without the usual language so often endemic to North American TV, daytime and nighttime too. The plots are not so often formulaic as entertaining that we can enjoy with our grandkids without worrying about the language.


I keep thinking that quincy should have stuck to autopsies and dick van dyke should just behave like a doctor, but then they probably wouldn't have been quincy nor diagnosis murder :-)
look at all these people who can't stick to doing their 'proper' job

Jonathon Creek (magician technician)
lord peter whimsy (rich busy body)
hart to hart (rich nosy parkers)
cadfael (brother)


I liked the Kenneth More "Father Brown" from the early 70's.


To me the FB series isn't that good, but I still love it and watch it. Crazy but true.


I agree. If you like a vanilla Show with no swearing, sex and violence this is made just for you. Charming and inoffensive.
