Poorly done.
I have enjoyed the previous series but this one plumbs new depths. Apart from the idiot policeman we seem to have wandered down the rabbit hole. For a start I do not like the attempt at social engineering, this series stretches from 1949 to 1953, yet the amount of interracial couplings and homosexuals wandering around is ludicrous. Homosexuality was a criminal offence in those days and should be portrayed as such. Also we seem to have taken leave of reality here, the Korean War was raging and the Glosters were heavily involved, yet not a mention in this very Gloucestershire village, no men in uniform, no prayers for the soldiers no mention of it anywhere. Secondly rationing was still in effect yet the amount of costume changes and sumptuous feasts never end.
The writers clearly have no idea of how to write historical drama, you can't just dress some girl up in Capri pants ( which had only just been designed) give her a vintage car (1951 Sunbeam Talbot) and kid everyone this is the very early fifties. The fifties were not just a date they were a time. Every village would have it's fair share of wounded soldiers, people would be struggling to come to terms with peace after so many years of war, the overwhelming majority of police officers would be wearing medal ribbons - notice I say ribbons not the full medals as one constable was spotted wearing in one episode.
The best thing was of course Mark Williams, but I pity him having to perform surrounded by so much dross.