MovieChat Forums > Madea's Witness Protection (2012) Discussion > 4th place this weekend..let's hope this ...

4th place this weekend..let's hope this is the last one

It came in after Ted, Magic Mike and Brave this weekend. It was not even deened worthy enough to be listed on Entertainemnt Weekly's summer preview list or reviewed.

I will be seeing Good Deeds and hope that is a bigger hit than any of his degrading Madea movies to show he can do more than just that. Also listed for him this year is The Marriage Couselor with Vanessa Williams. I loved her in Soul Food. It was an excellent drama with an all black cast. I wish more films like that were made. I hope his next film after that will be the sci-fi film he is interested in doing. I am waiting to see if he will be added to the cast of the Star Trek sequel too, I centainly hope so. His role in the 2009 film was small but very good.



Unfortunately it won't be. No matter how bad his movies are, the budget is always extremely low and Tyler Perry has a dedicated audience that will see his films no matter what. He'll always make a profit.


The thing about Tyler Perry films is that they are low budget and tend to turn a profit.


Madea's Witness Protection's opening weekend was slightly higher than Madea's Big Happy Family's opening weekend. Don't be surprised if this isn't the last.


I went to see it and it was funny. Glad to see it do well. Interested in seeing Ted. Maybe will catch it next weekend.
