Why whites FEAR Tyler Perry yet follow his accomplishments!!!
Let me start off by saying this, Tyler Perry didnt create Madea w/ the intention to make white ppl laugh. So those who rant on & on w/ cruel words about him not being funny ..remind us of the little red engine that could. It tries so hard that it cant. Those educated, logical & without deep rooted personal issues have long ago figured out Perry's comedies were geared towards Black American culture and a way to find laughter in times of oppression & struggle. This is why tapes of his Madea plays were in homes in the blk community long before Hollywood had a clue of his existence. Bottom line is ..if you're white, culturally ignorant and have never missed a Xmas or two, you probably wont get Tyler Perry nor Madea. It's nothing he didnt expect.
Also, those that observe Tyler Perry's usual all-blk-cast in many of his films & plays continuously ask WHY? But look back in their profile & we won't see them asking the same from DIRECTORS that favor an all white cast. Evidently these miserable instigators have an agenda & assume a mix of sarcasm & stupidity makes them appear logical..who knows w/ idiots, right?
Lastly, we Americans have to remember that MANY Euros, Aussies and Brits post at IMDB. Anyone who has traveled already know how terrible the brits & other European countries treat their own non white Europeans. Heck, they're still convinced they own Africa & India and that an Indian's sole purpose is to be their foot stool. Let them come to the U.S & ask someone's child to bend over so they could step on his back to ride an elephant!! That fool would get a $%&* LADDER tossed upside his head! Just as the times of the 1st British Prime Minister Robert Walpole, their married men STILL lust for black women behind closed doors. But now..HE PAYS THE BILLS, RENT & CAR NOTE lol. Naomi Campbell and her mother can testify to that. It's disturbing that in 2012, any man would allow himself to feel so intimidated & insecure behind of a "successful BLACK MAN" ..that he would follow him around spewing animosity instead of creating his own accomplishments. IMDb scores arent low for Tyler Perry films b/c ppl hate ..They simply FEAR a black man with power. That's real sh-t
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin.
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