MovieChat Forums > Madea's Witness Protection (2012) Discussion > Why whites FEAR Tyler Perry yet follow h...

Why whites FEAR Tyler Perry yet follow his accomplishments!!!

Let me start off by saying this, Tyler Perry didnt create Madea w/ the intention to make white ppl laugh. So those who rant on & on w/ cruel words about him not being funny ..remind us of the little red engine that could. It tries so hard that it cant. Those educated, logical & without deep rooted personal issues have long ago figured out Perry's comedies were geared towards Black American culture and a way to find laughter in times of oppression & struggle. This is why tapes of his Madea plays were in homes in the blk community long before Hollywood had a clue of his existence. Bottom line is ..if you're white, culturally ignorant and have never missed a Xmas or two, you probably wont get Tyler Perry nor Madea. It's nothing he didnt expect.

Also, those that observe Tyler Perry's usual all-blk-cast in many of his films & plays continuously ask WHY? But look back in their profile & we won't see them asking the same from DIRECTORS that favor an all white cast. Evidently these miserable instigators have an agenda & assume a mix of sarcasm & stupidity makes them appear logical..who knows w/ idiots, right?

Lastly, we Americans have to remember that MANY Euros, Aussies and Brits post at IMDB. Anyone who has traveled already know how terrible the brits & other European countries treat their own non white Europeans. Heck, they're still convinced they own Africa & India and that an Indian's sole purpose is to be their foot stool. Let them come to the U.S & ask someone's child to bend over so they could step on his back to ride an elephant!! That fool would get a $%&* LADDER tossed upside his head! Just as the times of the 1st British Prime Minister Robert Walpole, their married men STILL lust for black women behind closed doors. But now..HE PAYS THE BILLS, RENT & CAR NOTE lol. Naomi Campbell and her mother can testify to that. It's disturbing that in 2012, any man would allow himself to feel so intimidated & insecure behind of a "successful BLACK MAN" ..that he would follow him around spewing animosity instead of creating his own accomplishments. IMDb scores arent low for Tyler Perry films b/c ppl hate ..They simply FEAR a black man with power. That's real sh-t

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin.

My IMDb credentials:


Well said



"Tyler Perry's usual all-blk-cast"

He plays three roles himself and you call that an all-black cast? His performance was lousy and the movie sucked. It wasn't the culture but the technique, the jokes and the overall production; they were just bad. I'm pretty sure the African American community has better talent than this.



That is a total CROCK O SHEEEEIT Bronze...

I just posted this on the board

Why are folks so threatened by Tyler Perry and his films. I don't think he set out to make Oscar worthy films. I believe he is doing exactly what he set out to do, which is, make films for a key demographic he feels is not represented in the cinematic community.

While I agree the writing and directing aren't the best, it is still miles above what I do as an independent filmmaker, and he is living and doing the work many indie filmmakers dream about.

The man started out doing these as plays, and now he has one of the most successful independent film studios in the world. Yes, through his hard work and determination he has managed to open a studio and produce films Hollywood normally shuns. He entered into a lucrative distribution deal with Lionsgate and on miniscule budgets makes anywhere from 2-4 time the invested monies back.

It is unheard of for most films to see a 100% ROI, his films average a 200% ROI.

Hate the films, hate the man, but respect the legacy he is providing and groundwork he is laying. He has pretty much offered anyone the path to success if you follow his formula.

I know as an independent filmmaker I labor day in and day out to get an audience to see my films, and like most I started out as a horror filmmaker, and just recently switched genres, making an indie urban gangster film. Do I make tons of money? No My average budget per film is about $5,000.00, yet I get distribution and have been nominated and have won awards. Do I want his success, who the heck wouldn't?

But for those in the film community knocking the man, you should stop and take a deep look at what he is showing and accomplishing. I am not saying the work itself but the business behind the work. He built a brand, and it isn't off a comic book or novel. It is something he created and has nurtured since its inception.

Could his films use work, sure, but whose film doesn't need work, even some of the greats have made films that are so-so or just plain suck.

What I am saying is that I don't understand the hate, even from folks in the african american community. I hear or read you feel his is stereotyping, but he is making what he feels to be films a generation of individuals will watch and enjoy. I am sure is not aiming for every single person to like his films. If you think he should be, you're forgetting the concept behind the art.

To those not in the film business who just trash his work to feel better about themselves need to step back and take a look in the mirror. Now ask yourself this, having never made a movie, written a script or produce a film, could you honestly do any better? If you say yes you're lying to yourself to feel better about the negative comments you have made in regards to his work.

Just admit you're not a fan and leave it at that.

Seriously, and as I said this is coming from someone who has made 3 films, and I know my work isn't the best and I accept it. I just keep trying to do better with every project and I believe so is Tyler, but so many have a blind hatred of the man and his work they don't really look at the films as a whole overall.

For those curious as to what work I did, the link to one of my films is below.

"Deadlands 2: Trapped"


The man in women's clothes are feared for his success? And Europe treats coloured people worse than in America? And everyone knows this? This entire post belongs on some conspiracy theory website, and is, along with its author, completely and utterly out of touch with reality. In many European countries a politician of another race can get elected for parliament and serve as minister. You can in the US as well you say? Now get this: Without changing their religion. When you have one Muslim minister or secretary of state, then come talking about how well you treat other races. In my home country of Denmark the minister for equality and religious affairs, (and de-facto head of the Danish state church) was born in Punjab India, and since mass-immigration didn't start (in my country at least) until the 80-90's I'd say we're about 200 years ahead of you.


I admit, I did not read your BS post so I will reply only to the title.

Your an idiot.

That's all.....

"If you can't change the people around you, change the people around you"


''Anyone who has traveled already know how terrible the brits & other European countries treat their own non white Europeans. Heck, they're still convinced they own Africa & India and that an Indian's sole purpose is to be their foot stool.''

This. This is what happens when you let thick people write on forums.

I'm mixed raced from east London, the most culturally diverse place in England and probably the world.
Stop with your ignorant understandings about a country you know nothing about.


Funny thing is that I would rather watch a Spike Lee Joint, than sit through anything Tyler Perry touches.

Nicholas Cage Deadfall


Wow. What a completely offensive to humanity, racist post.

On a side note, Tyler Perry's films just might get low ratings, not because the people rating it are racists, but because people think the movies aren't very good/funny. There are plenty of other films people think suck too, even more-so than Tyler's. ...but sure, it's all about skin color. *eyeroll*

This is the most cringe-worthy post I've read in some time, and for the IMDb boards, that's quite an accomplishment.
