I am very sorry, but NO!
I didnt read much about this film before I watched it. I know it hit the cinema last year and it did get some varied reviews. But seriously - seriously. It was indeed a boring and non-exciting film to watch.
Perhaps it had some intentions of sharing a world view or trying to alter some sort of state of mind - but it was made in a dull manner.
Those "army-shots" while driving cars with dust all around through the dessert and images like this didnt give any meaning to the story what so ever. There was no race against the AI - we suddenly just jumped TWO YEARS later in the story.
I havent read much on the forum about this film either, I simply dont care. The actors have great names and I know they are capable of doing immense work, but no. This was just mediocre and dull. I actually discussed with myself while watching it.
A story like this has some neat potential, indeed, but how this turned out was like breaking a leg two weeks before summer holliday.