Any thoughts?
I really enjoyed this film. I enjoy any film that's about consciousness, nature/human nature, utopia/dystopia and just general deep-thinking, philosophical plots. However, there were a few thing I didn't quite understand in this film.
1. Will had the intelligence, power, and technology to instantly heal people, which is fine. But how come when they were healed they had much more physical strength (and probably mental strength/intelligence too, I think) than they had originally?
2. We see at the end of the film that Will wasn't evil and that he was just trying to help out the environment and mankind. Hmm....well, if that were you, wouldn't that be the very first point you'd try to stress to people? Will seemed very nonchalant in his convictions.....and in anything he said really! When Evelyn said "Sorry for not believing you" and was DYING, at that point I thought "Well, you should have made your intentions known, you bloody fool!".
3. We see that the nano/nanites (whatever they were lol) survived in Will's Faraday Cage and were protected. When we saw it, it was three years later. The water would have evaporated by then or seeped into the ground. Unless the cage created its own atmosphere that water would be long gone.
4. The blind guy. Will said he had been blind since birth. In reality, that guy would have freaked out when his sight came back as he would have no concept of was sight was. He would not be able to make sense of the world around him at all. Plus, he wouldn't have any depth perception and thus would not be able to walk and generally move without falling/knocking things over. But again, with the nano technology, was it implied that the few years he would have spent learning about the world around him, for his brain to adjust to a brand new sense, etc, happened within seconds? I know it's not important to the plot, but it just bugged me lol.
What are you thoughts.ideas?