Johnny Depps Mumbling

I honestly did not understand much of this movie - granted I was quite hungover - but what frustrated me was Johnny Depps mumbling - I honestly can hardly hear a word he says!? Is that his style - perhaps he was not right for the role because anything with special effects/music and the sounds that accompany them are going to just drown out anything Depp says.

I know I am not the only one. I thought the film really gathered pace towards the end and I thought, actually this is not so bad. Would really appreciate it you guys could bullet point the meaning of the film.


I watched this film on a flight without subs and missed out on so much because everything Depp said sounded like "cloom boomble poom bloomple" under the sound of the engines.


yes - I did not understand the film simply because I can not understand what he is saying! I avoid films he is in.


yeah his presentation was the worst thing ive ever heard


Yeah that's when I noticed it the most.

The universe isn’t evil, John, it’s just indifferent.


Try experimenting with the sound fields of your receiver/surround sound system or better still, watch it with good headphones on. I did the latter and didn't miss anything.


Depp is famous for his character interpretations, from channeling Keith Richards to play a pirate to Michael Jackson to play Willie Wonka. And now, mumbling to evoke a possibly introverted genius researcher forced to attend fundraisers, wrest from his beloved radio-wave free sanctuary.


I often wonder why movie companies do this.. They know they can't hear it.. They can clearly fix the problem.. yet they don't.. makes you wonder if they are doing this on purpose

Becca: Japanese won't stop till they create the ultimate sex machine
Sara: We have to stop them


No he always talks like that, it sounds like he's high all the time, maybe booze fvcked up his speech..

The universe isn’t evil, John, it’s just indifferent.
