honestly... (SPOILERS)

i thought i would hate this movie. i am 21 and the first two were really beautiful, romantic and full of life. i love the way these movies are done and the two actors are brilliant. with third one i knew it would get real, a little depressing, angry at times. i honestly thought it would ruin the illusion the first two have created. it didn't one bit. as i was watching it i may have been a little sad about them going down that road but that is what it's supposed to happen. i had a feeling like they have been gliding along for some years and didn't really deal with a lot of issues that come with age and starting a family especially considering their situation, which finally came on the surface in this film. it was beautiful, powerful and very realistic and i enjoyed it despite it making me a bit sad. the ending completely satisfied me because it's ambiguous like the first two, leaving you to decide for yourself what their story becomes. it's like Jesse said in the second one about one person being the romantic and sure they will end up together and the other person being the cynic and sure they won't be able to work it out. i am the first one and i believe despite all the issues they will stay together and work it out. what the hell do i know i am young and i guess it's the way i am supposed to think but whatever. there is also the third person who isn't sure and who needs to know. the director keeps making these movies for those people who need closure i guess but i like to think we all get something from it and i hope he makes at least one more. this movie gets 10/10 from me and i would recommend it to all three kinds of people i mentioned. if you agree let me know and if not tell me why not i would love to hear it.


I agree completely. Very well put. Having been there myself and being the same age as Jesse and Celine, I can say all three are very well done and an accurate portrayal of relationships - the third one being the most realisitc and the most spot on. Personally, I think they work it out and stay together. Hopefully we will find out for sure in a fourth installment.
