Does it get mundane?

Watched Before Sunrise and Before Sunset couple of days ago, and liked the films although the couple seemed a little awkward together. Will Before Midnight be too mundane?


It is anything but. The harrowing story that plays out in Midnight is the series' strongest act so far.


By 30-40 mins thru, I was BEGGING for 'mundane'!!! This is like a BORING 'jerkoff', TOTALLY sans 'lube'! O m g, dry toast sideways down throat would be more palatable! Kill me now!


Sadly yes....

But only because the set pieces are too long. Part of what made the first 2 films great was the characters moving from location to location. The car ride at the beginning sums it up from the get go. It's just too long to keep people interested IMO.

The dialogue has always been great but heavy dialogue with static location makes it more of a chore.
