Spoilers : Pretty dull film overall. Nothing really happens.
This film says it is about what happens in love.
It's not.
In fact it is actually a film with some nice characters and some pretty much run of the mill stories. Nothing actually happens in this film.
Guy gets girlfriend. Girlfriend is an addict and overdoses. Surely, everybody saw that happening and then she says "Sorry". That's it, she says sorry. He gets beat up... expected.
Daughter erm... falls in love. That's it.
Man gets wife back because he waited because she waited for him.
It's pretty dire.
It's enjoyable on the basis that the characters are nice and sweet and they live in a nice place and "get some experiences" so he dates a girl with a drug problem.
It's actually a pretty uneventful film. The ending is expected. There is no ground breaking event in the film. It all runs along quite pretty and normally.
Pretty much... pointless. If they were aiming to say something in this I don't really understand what they point was and whether it needed to be said.
Looking at the rating it seems it is so high due to young under 18s giving it a high score. I guess they assumed it was a film about love and learning about love, so power of suggestion and therefore they believed they were wiser for watching it.
No, it's a film about a super dysfunctional family which plays out as a tongue in cheek mockery of modern rom-coms.