It's what you'd expect.

The dialogue is rowdy. They say 'Fuck' about every 4 words. It's not like Rob Zombie's dialogue, but it gets a little tiresome.

It has fun practical effects with bodies being axed in some gory detail. There are real car collisions. The puppetry is pretty fun.

The camera work is good. Aside from two scenes, it's shot pretty well. It's intentionally gritty.

The characters are serviceable but nothing outstanding. Just heavy drinking 20 something hipster punks.

The Santabot is an interesting idea as it is a mix of Small soldiers meets silent night deadly night meets Richard Stanley's Hardware.

The final confrontation goes a little long, but it's alright.
You can tell its the same director as VFV. Synthwave music, neon lights, dark environments light with blue, purple pink green and red.

I don't think I'll watch it again for some time.

It's not bad or good. It's what you'd expect.


It was not what I expected.
I expected a fun, gory movie and got none of that.
The lighting was horrible, the dialogue was annoying, the kills were lackluster and sometimes couldn't even tell what happened because of the editing.
The final girl confrontation went on waaay too long.

The only thing I found refreshing in this movie is that the cops response time to the scene was pretty quick.


I have to agree with the final confrontation and the cop scenes. I actually thought the best acting came from Jeff Daniel Phillips when the santabot crashed outside the police station. Everyone else was so over the top that he came off well.
