People are not honest to make a good impression. People are so accustomed to that that they (unconsciously) avoid honest people. That is true for both men and women.
Men are rewarded for making a good impression by not telling the truth. Women go for the man that makes a good impression, even if it is not the truth.
This movie shows what a woman gets when she goes for a man that looks good. She does not understand how to properly compare an honest man with a dishonest one. Women think they want an honest man but they don't understand how to appreciate an honest man.
For example, an honest man would express desire for other women. He might not act on that desire but he would express the feelings when he had it. Most women would run from that like the plague. An honest man would want to share his feelings with a woman. Women that prevent a man form expressing those feelings force a man to be dishonest. Women that understand those feelings are very likely to have a wonderful partner and that partnership could easily be enough to cause a man to not indulge the desires.