If you reversed the gender roles and left everything else the same the movie would be considered a huge pile of abusive, misogynistic textbook example of harassment and sexual abuse.
But since it's men getting it done to them, then that's cool.
That's because the sexes are not equal to begin with... and I'm a guy.
Both sexes are hard done by, true... but women still suffer the lion's share of harassment and sexual abuse... so no, this not 'fair', but it does even things up a little more...
Besides, you may not technically 'deserve' this if you're a manipulative adulterer, but even so, don't expect me to have sympathy for you... That's wanting it both ways; doing wrong and then claiming victimhood... That doesn't fly. They went overboard, but he still deserved some form of comeuppance.
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"