Really Liked This, But

those clever dick fancy aerial CGI camera moves seemed way out of place.

This has a kinda 80s feel to it, to me. A pretty straightforward action story with some solid actors in it and some great scenes. Actually, the on-the-run bit reminded me of a 70s film, The Warriors.

But I was dragged out of the film every time one of those camera moves showed up. I would be able to handle them in a different kind of film, I guess, but they seemed an ill fit for this film.


Have to agree with that - it was a bit of pointless CGI eye candy in what should have been an otherwise gritty, street-level movie. Served no purpose in the story either and looked artificial every time.


Any doubt I had that this movie had the makings of a classic was thrown out the window with those "Sin City" style CGI breaks.
