Enough is enough Liam

It seems like he's only taking roles this at the moment. I have no idea why, he's an outstanding actor and could take roles in great movies. I think he's tired of the business and just wants to earn cash with easy-to-act action flicks. I don't blame him, but i do want to see him in other kinds of movies soon.


He probably wants to retire so making as much money as he can, cant blame him for it like.

Besides I think his films are enjoyable.


Really? I don't want to see him in other kinds of movies. He's perfect for the action/thriller genre, so why switch?

You really want to see him in comedies? Dramas? Musicals? Hell with that.


I have to say ... even tho his last 4 or 5 movies have all been almost exactly the same, I simply love them! He is a great, unnatural "action" star! I, also, really like actors that just "love to work". Having said this ... if Liam was to "change it up", what other kind of movie would anyone like to see him in? For me, I'd like to see him try a good, quality "zombie/monster" flick! U almost always hear retired actors (or actors near the end of their careers) say "I wish I could've done a "western" or a "monster" movie. So, I'd like to see Neeson do one. I think he'd be great!


Enough is enough? Eh I think this movie was really good and while I rated it a 7 out of 10 it probably deserves more. I think this is better than some of what he has done before this. For this movie to have cost $50 million and only made $20+ million in the U.S. it is a crying shame. Hopefully it did more around other parts of the world and the dvd/Blu-ray release for this sells well. This was a great flick and it wasn't just a pure action flick as various characters showed an emotional side also. The acting in this movie was solid. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire movie. Why would I not want to see another movie like this from Liam and others in this movie?


While somewhat similar to the taken premise a little but it was a decent film.


although his movies are very good (i am not an action movies fan), i enjoyed him more in Third Person
i think it was made in 2013 and it was excellent
a thrilling drama with no action
it is weird that when an actor is doing a movie of different genre he used to make, he is better
like Adam Sandler in a drama, i think it was Men, Women and Children and he was amazing although in comedies i didn't like him at all
same goes to another comedy actor in Disconnected which was a drama very similar to the Adam Sandler movie and he was brilliant in it too

It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!


Liam Neeson will be staring in a movie called Enough Is Enough where he will try to save his grandson.

can't outrun your own shadow


Guess you missed The Grey. But it's Hollywood; the big money is hard to turn down. Or maybe he's not into the whole auteur thing?


1) if they're gonna pay him
2) if people still go see them
3) if he doesn't start embarrassing himself

why not keep making similar movies. he is good at what he does.



He is more well known with the recent bout of action movis. Leading to more money and choices so it seems like a no brainer.
He got his major career boost after taken. I'm proud of him.
