Crossing a Line?

Since when is it crossing a line to yell at a kid who's being rude, disrespectful, and continually interrupting?

I don't know who I hate more, William or Felicity. This writing is horrible. And telling him to get out of his own house is nonsensical. I can only hope they're both written off the show. Everyone gets irrational or raises their voice from time to time.


I think the “crossing a line” comment was tied to (a) smashing, no matter how inadvertently, his son’s hard-made Science Fair project, and (b) came from an imaginary Felicity who appeared to a hallucinating Oliver who had been drugged. The real Felicity told him she had never asked for a time out.

My question about this worst.Arrow.episode.EVER is: what was the mandate to transform this show from an action thriller to a psychological drama?


I'm not talking about in the lair when she said she needed space. That wasn't real. I'm talking about her initial reaction after he yelled and the project broke. She told him to get out.

And I don't know what they're trying to do to this show. All I know is they're succeeding at destroying it even further.


I definitely agree that it was the worst episode ever. Are they just making things up to drag it into another season, it used to be a great bit of escapism to sit and watch , now it is excruciating to watch.


It really has become painful to get through.


Remember, Oliver was suffering from the vertigo drug.


That doesn't affect Felicity's comment. At that point Oliver only yelled about the kid interrupting. Vertigo may have caused him to tell, but that's irrelevant.
