MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > When did you stop losing interest in Arr...

When did you stop losing interest in Arrow

For it was after his fight with Ras al Ghul. First 2 seasons where brilliant with very good fight scenes. Once Flash started Arrow just went downhill.

I can't accept how he simply survived a sword going through him after that massive fall. Almost everyone that dies comes back alive, the flashbacks no longer make sense and everything is just repetitive.

Seriously how bad at shooting are all the bad guys? How the hell does Curtis suit up and braid his hair so quickly?

DC seem to have fallen behind Marvel on TV shows as well now.


I always wonder too how Curtis does his hair so fast and in the other shows too. Legends of tomorrow (Amayah (straight/curly), Supergirl.... they always have different hair styles when they change into their alter-ego..


At least Supergirl has the excuse of being able to do it at superspeed...


For me it was after his fight with Ras al Ghul.

Same here. That fight was the last great thing they did IMO. Even if it was ridiculous that he survived the sword and the fall.

The first season was awesome, Oliver was a badass. Some of the fights rivaled Netflix's Daredevil IMO, Oliver smashing goons's heads against walls etc. The fight with Malcom was awesome.

Arrow fell off hard. It's no hyperbole to say it literally became a soap opera.


Agree, the fights scenes rivalled Daredevil.

But what changed, did the writers change/ lose interest? To me it looks like they've gone the Marvel root (for movies), trying to make it family friendly. There was a time I used to look forward to this show every week. So disappointing when I come across this now.


They definitely went for the Marvel approach. But even before that there were drops in quality. That's why I rarely watch shows. Sooner or later almost all of them seem to lose their ways.


Oddly enough, Marvel TV shows tend to be much darker than the movies. Netflix shows aside, even Agents of SHIELD can be really dark and somber at times.


The Fight against Ras al Ghul was epic, unfortunately it has gone downhill since that season.


Totally agree. Loved season 1, 2, and even parts of 3, but the latter half of 3 had a significant downward trend. Even that last fight with Rhas was pretty lame. Then came 4 which was awful and after the predictable and boring villain reveal of 5 I didn't care anymore and stopped watching.


It slow down after the fight against Raz al Ghul, then it goes to the Abyss with 'you can't lie to me, but don't judge me if i lie to you' Felicity...

It was painull to see a badass bordeline serial killer vigilantee becoming an 'henpecked husband'
