MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > Should ship Felicity over to Legends or ...

Should ship Felicity over to Legends or Black Lightning.

I feel her character is overdone. I'm not a Felicity hater, but she needs a new start, like Sara Lance now on Legends. Why not having her over to the upcoming Black Lightning?
If Guggenheim and Wendy doesn't have the will or guts to kill her off, then they should do it the way I suggested. Maybe her character will be better in another show?


I don't think those shows could survive with Felicity. Arrow is dying because Felicity is such a terrible character.


She should be shipped to the grave

The IMDB message boards you either die a good poster,or live long enough to become the troll


Putting Felicity in Legends full time would definitely kill that show.


I actually like LoT , so having her there would pretty much ruin it for me. The character made Arrow unwatchable for me since the middle of season 4, I would hate that to happen with LoT.


True story: At a Best Buy branch I met a lady who looked and talked just like Felicity Smoke!!!


Not Legends, I like that show ! How about getting rid of her to The Flash, simply because I don't watch it


nooo! I like Flash more than Arrow so that would really suck.
