I think for me Heavy Rain felt like it had more of an urgency and was more thrilling and exciting due to the fact that at a lot of points at least three of the characters could die or be caught, etc. It gave a sense of urgency to be right, made the hands shaky, made you nervous and somehow STILL made you make those mistakes that cost you the character's life and changed the eventual outcome.
I loved Heavy Rain's vast amount of outcomes but in the end I did enjoy Beyond Two Souls far more, the storyline was epic and intense, and I felt there were far less plot holes and was much more emphasis on character progression and attention to detail.
Jodie I thought was far easier to connect to as a character than Ethan, Madison, Scott or Norman were. At times you feel like you're Jodie, you feel connected to her as if you are her. When Jodie is almost hit by her father, I felt horrified and frightened for her, and when she is abandoned, I felt abandoned and lost with Nathan and Cole (not quite trusting exactly at first if these people were going to help her or use her). As a teen, when she is bullied, you feel hurt and betrayed, and set up. When she is an adult and her choices reflect on whether people live or die you feel hurt that you didn't save them, you feel guilty too, and when she is used by the government you feel angry and humiliated that you let them do it again, that you are having your hands tied behind your back to do what they want.
It was a strange feeling, I hadn't felt that in a game before, but I really felt connected to her, especially as a younger character, it's strange, lol.
Beyond gets my vote, but Heavy is also incredible, and I've played it too many times to count.
We've become a race of peeping toms.