Zhu Zhu's "acting"

Zhu Zhu (Kokochin) can't act to save her life. There are some incredible performances on the show, especially Benedict Wong, and her pathetic acting by comparison sticks out like a sore thumb. The fact she shared so many scenes this season with the incredible Joan Chen (Chabi) made it stand out even more. She has zero range and her whole 'going crazy' bit wasn't in the least bit dynamic or believable at all. Even the birth scene looked stupid.

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.


I tend to agree that she just wasn't a very strong actress at all. The only scene she had that I felt was well-acted is the one in which she is basically 'telling Marco off' with a smile then is crying as she walks away.

I am you and what I see is me.


I agree completely. I just wish they would kill her off already. Her worst performance was the birth of the twins. Everyone else is great.
