The child emperor

I can't believe the show had Kublai kill the kid. It made the khan look weak. It is also grossly historically inaccurate


It was a difficult scene to watch, and yes, quite inaccurate (the show always plays fast and loose with that though). But it was an important scene for showcasing so many of the Khan's flaws. Too bloody-minded, too quick to resort to crushing opposition rather than using other methods to maintain power, too trusting and reliant on Ahmed/his advisors. Ahmed knew how to manipulate the Khan to create essentially a PR disaster on the eve of an election, and managed to alienate him from his wife and son in the process. The flaws were there, and Ahmed knew which flames to fan.


I agree. It was a bit difficult to stomach, but they tended to do very barbaric things back in the day. Heck, we do barbaric things today.

The show, like many other historical fictions, does play fast and loose with facts, but I'm okay with that. Anyone can pick up a book and read what "history" says. I like these shows because they make things interesting. I don't care too much about the facts, just how the characters interact. It's like that almost across the board.


Literally made me hate the character and knowing he doesn't die...turned it off. I've never stopped watching a show mid season like this. I doubt have any desire though after that
