Want Marco Polo to be continued? Look here...
Just finished up watching it and am totally bummed that it got cancelled. I guess it was too expensive to continue? Sucks to have all those beautiful sets and costumes go to waste...
Anyway, I'm thinking there is a possibility that it can still be continued, just not by Netflix. For example, what if Hulu were interested in picking it up? Or some other TV network? Surely, if enough of us contact them, we can maybe get some of their attention and get them to consider continuing the show, even if it ends up being on a slightly cheaper budget...
Here are a couple of ways to contact Hulu and Netflix:
Hulu: [email protected]
- Just email them a message with the subject "Content request" such as the message below (feel free to copy/paste it):
Hello there,
Not sure if this is the proper method to use to request content but, I thought I'd give it a try, and if it isn't, if this message could please be forwarded to the appropriate person, I'd greatly appreciate it!
As you may or may not be aware, Netflix recently decided to cancel one of their programs, "Marco Polo. It was immensely enjoyable to watch, and quite beautifully produced. It only made it 2 seasons and ended on a cliffhanger so, there was intent to continue it but, ultimately Netflix pulled the plug.
I would like to urge Hulu to consider continuing this program themselves, if possible. I am not sure if Netflix or the production company behind the show are even interested in selling the rights to produce the show elsewhere, but if there is a chance for the show to be continued, I'd love for another company to take it over. Perhaps a joint-production can be agreed upon whereby Hulu takes it over and Netflix still gets the full show once the whole season has aired? I'm not sure how the technicalities of this sort of thing would work but, if there is at all a chance, please consider! I'd be a faithful viewer!
Thank you for your time.
Netflix: no direct email,but there are a couple of ways to get your voice heard:
- Live Chat. Go to their FAQ page https://help.netflix.com/en/node/412 and at the bottom right is the Live Chat option. Click it and choose "Tell Us What Your Issue Is."
Basically, all I did here was tell them I was disappointed that Marco Polo was cancelled, and hope they will consider bringing it back, or, selling production rights to another company so that it might be continued
- Content Suggestion at https://help.netflix.com/en/titlerequest (the Live Chat link is on this page as well). Here, all I did was type "Marco Polo Season 3, was very disappointed in this being cancelled!" You're limited in the number of characters to submit here so, gotta keep it short.
I received responses from both Netflix and Hulu, both of which said they would forward my feedback to their content team, which is all I expected/wanted. Not much more we can do though I think beyond going to individual TV networks and contacting them. Perhaps the History Channel? Hehe, anyway, if you're wanting Marco Polo to continue, use some of these options to voice your request, and if it does return, you'll know you helped make it so.