MovieChat Forums > Those Who Kill (2014) Discussion > The X-files, Dexter resemblance?

The X-files, Dexter resemblance?

One of the main reason why I love this show s that it reminds me of the X-files. I also think of this show as replacement for Dexter.


I don't see any X Files similarities beyond maybe the dark color scheme. Depending on how disturbed and prone to vigilante justice she is as the series continues, there may be some Dexter-like themes. But even then, her motives seem rooted in a resolving a traumatic past and strongly identifying with the victim rather than the kind of personal satisfaction in killing that Dexter has.


Dexter was a victim. His adoptive father Harry Morgan found the toddler Dexter (& his brother) locked in a cargo container and covered with the blood of the sawed up remains of his mother.


I see no resemblance to The X-Files. But it may turn out to be rather Dexter-ish, which would be nice, as long as it's better than Dexter's last few seasons.

You see, sometimes people mistake a child as an answer for something.


Besides Glen Morgan writing the pilot, what does it have to do with the Xfiles? The characters are moronic, the situations are cliché, the direction is more 1990ies than the Xfiles were in the 90ies.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Yes, it is Dexterish A lot of grusome stuff. If it keeps up with females being tortured, I will have to stop watching.
