I do consider her a flawed hero. She reminds me a lot of Martin Hart on True Detective. I didn't like Marty, but I did ultimately care about him all the same.
I understand the reference to Marty, but unlike Marty she is written in such a way that makes it hard to even care what happens to her.
I think of the scenes where they both killed suspects. Marty, it seemed killed the suspect because he was overwhelmed by what the guy had done to the kids. On the other hand, it seemed like Jensen killed the suspect because she wanted to. She seemed to take pleasure in doing it.
It's like in one scene she's the tortured cop (ala Rusty Cohle or Will Graham). In the next she's an (sex) addict (ala Marty). In the next, she's Dexter or Hannibal.
It's like they're combining many different flawed characters in her one character. There's way too much going on. And so far we've only seen the flaws. They haven't yet shown us anything to empathize with.
Ok. So she believes her stepfather killed her brother. But they only thing they've shown us regarding that is her creeping around her step father's house. And not in a particularly endearing or investigative way.
Someone else mentioned that if this were a male character, we'd love him. I think that depends. If this were a male character, they would have made him a better cop. So far, all we've seen is her screw over her coworkers and get her ass kicked repeatedly by a suspect only to later murder him. That just made it look like revenge for getting her ass kicked.
If the character is a kickass cop, the audience will usually overlook the flaws no matter how annoying.
The character is just badly written.
"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers