Ask FX to pick up this show and renew it for another season!!!
This show would have done extremely well on the FX network. It's criminal that such a well-written show--a show of this quality--was shipped off to LMN to languish and die simply because A&E didn't have the testicular fortitude to stand behind it. Instead, they will continue to ladle out crap like "Duck Dynasty."
FX has shown a willingness to air programs that push the envelope such as "Justified", "Sons of Anarchy", and "American Horror Story". Perhaps if fans of the show can contact FX, or a similar network, perhaps AMC who ran "Breaking Bad" and currently runs "The Walking Dead", and ask them to pick up "Those Who Kill" for a second season, maybe grassroots support can get this show back on the air where it should be. If anybody knows of a way to contact Darin Morgan, the show's producer, and suggest that if he took the show to FX or AMC, that fans of the show would support him and contact those networks as well, please do so. If nothing else, send me an address at which he can be reached and I'll write the letter myself.
PLEASE! Don't let this show die an ignominious death on LMN!!! You can reach me at [email protected]