I would say that Catherine is in fact a psychopath - remember, not all psychopaths are serial killers. Using Hare's psychopathy checklist we can see as viewers that she exhibits, most if not all behaviours in the pilot.
So, are you a professional behavior scientist, a Wikipedia addict or just a fan of Criminal Minds? {laugh]
All those one-liner (even one word) items on that "checklist" can fit most people if you only take the vast meaning of it and a few anecdotes. Those need to be very specific and apply to daily life and behavior.
Glib and Superficial Charm: This is exhibited when she turns up late to the lecture and makes everyone laugh, also seen when she tries to exchange pleasantries with Shaffer's wife.
You've never made anyone laugh? People can have social skills without being psychopaths, right?
What you're looking for in a psychopath is more than someone telling a couple of jokes at a party or making small talk to a neighbor's wife, it's a seduction. In order to manipulate. Please give me an example of that in the show.
Sign Two - Grandiosity: have you seen her apartment? Also tracking the killer alone.
Irrelevant. Her apartment belong to her parents and tracking the killer alone is about control, something a lot of victims of abuse feel they need to regain in all the aspects of their lives. If anything, she's the exact opposite of grandiose. Her ego is so damaged, she has no confidence in herself at all. She doesn't believe she's superior to everyone, she believes she doesn't deserve to live or to be loved.
Sign Three - Need for stimulation: She is a regular smoker, she drinks and cuts herself. Hare's checklist includes ALL forms of stimulation, so the self-mutilation is a stimulant, it stimulates pain.
Except she doesn't cut herself to feel, she cuts herself NOT to feel. Self-cutting is not self-mutilation. Cutters, like the anorexic, are trying to gain control by cutting themselves. If they harm themselves, whoever is harming them can't have power over them. As for smoking and drinking, you have to be kidding, right?
By the way the "stimulation" here is not drinking and having promiscuous sex, it's an excessive need for thrills, like driving fast, jumping from planes, bungee jumping, anything that can stimulate the adrenaline, not to get bored.
Sign Four - Pathological Lying: We see this throughout.
Wrong again. Lying is lying. "
Pathological" is the operative word here. Pathological liar will lie at every turn, even when they don't have to. It's a compulsion, it's not about lying to someone because you don't want them to know something about yourself.
Sign Five - Lack of Remorse: She shows no guilt over taking a human life, no matter how vile that life was.
She's a victim. That guy, by attacking her, put her right back into her abuse. Of course she didn't feel remorse. Not because she's incapable of it, because of her situation and who he was. She has displayed empathy for victims many times, even for killers. You're extrapolating from anecdotes again.
In fact a lack of empathy is one of the first diagnosed signs of personality disorder. Did you not read the wikipedia article that far or did it just not fit your theory?
the list goes on and on and she really does more or less conform to the entire checklist.
"More or less" is the problem. You can make just anything fit into bizarre theories if you try hard enough.
Let's take a look at other items on that list that goes "on and on". I'm going to go from the actual list and not the WIkipedia article.
- Parasitic lifestyle
She moved out of her place to get her independence. It's a contrary sign.
- Early behavioral problems
Everything points to her having had a perfect childhood. At least the external signs of it. Psychopaths exhibit violent behaviors like arson, bullying, early sex, drug abuse, torture of animals etc
Hell, she wasn't even a runaway, with all that was going on in her home!
- Lack of long-term goals
She's been working for years toward proving her stepfather killed her brother. I'd hardly call that a life goal but it's definitely a long term plan, which she has committed to.
She's definitely not a role model. She's broken, she's damaged, she lives for revenge, she feels unworthy of love or anything positive in her life and she is obsessed. But her empathy, her determination and her independence all negate even the possibility of psychopathy.
For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco