No Wonder A&E Dumped This
I've seen the series and I've watched many European series as well as the original. This version was just rank. I had my reservations about Sevigny and they came through.
I think this production lacked the subtlety required for a successful remake. It was too much and too American - too in your face. Yes, she had a dark history, but the execution was so weak. There was nothing great about her acting at all and too many characters were horrible. I was not even a fan of Schaeffer and he was the reason I decided to watch this series. His wife was also the stereotypical cop wife - knows all the lingo, but doesn't have a job. Just sits home and waits for life to happen.
Same goes for the judge. He's a pedophile in a high position, but it's too black and white. And of course you have the stereotypical single mother looking for her sponsor so she marries this guy and turns a blind eye towards what's going on in her home. Ugh! And yea, the minute she's about to have a talk with her, her husband does her in. I think his acting was too weak and he was just the wrong person for the role. Remember Trinity from Dexter? They needed someone better.
Then you have Matty's mother - the woman whose son was Howard's little brother. Seriously, in this day and age of pedophile priests and gym teachers, she seemed to be drunk on the Howard KoolAid. They tried to give the image of a trusting mother, but all they succeeded in doing was give the impression that single mothers are dumb women who serve their little boys to pedophile.
I don't know...the series was just OK. But for something that was a remake, it failed because everything was handed to them on a plate, and they managed to screw it up.