MovieChat Forums > Bates Motel (2013) Discussion > Season 5 Episode 7 (spoilers obviously)

Season 5 Episode 7 (spoilers obviously)

Did you predict any of that?

“You can think about the meaning of life later, but right now we got shit to do.”

I did not predict Norman turning himself in. The physical fights with him against imaginary Norma was amazing.
That snowy forest burial! Was gorgeous and mythical!
But she's going to be torn up by coyotes. Mother's body is looking a lot better than the movie mummified mother did.
Today is linen day!
I did not predict that Dr. Edwards had been missing for a year! That whole meeting was imagined?
I did totally predict Norma/Norman attacking Dylan. I saw that coming a mile away and Dylan should have seen it too because Norman was acting super fucking creepy.

If it was that hard for Norman to carry Sam through the woods with imaginary help, how did he ever manage to do it by himself?




Agreed, I love it, my friends and I were watching and saying that this show still manages to surprise us.


I was shocked that Norman struck "Norma"! Wow, he never did that before.

I was very shocked about Dr Edwards. It means that entire scene with them at the shop was hallucinations.

I was completely shocked when Norman turned himself in to the police.


It is very odd that he would hallucinate Dr Edwards. especially so long after the last time he saw him for real, why would he even be thinking about that guy at that moment? He had a lot of other shit on his mind that day. Wasn't he on his way back from the gay bar?
He's never hallucinated anyone other than Norma (that we have seen). He doesn't just hallucinate random people all the time. But then it does make me wonder, what other scenes have we taken for 'reality" that were actually all in Norman's mind? The show might have been misleading us on his conversations with other characters. What if Chick is also dead and all the Chick conversations have been imagined?


well, that would be p*ss poor story-telling IMO! If the writers have done that, then what are we to believe about ANYTHING? Wrong on every level to go that route.
Seeing Dr Edwards in the town looked quite real. I'm just not sure when it happened. Could it have been a year since Norman sat with him and then Dylan came to town?


Yes except Norman told Dylan he just saw him (Edwards) last week. So Norman is either hallucinating or remembering something from a year ago and mixing up the time. Or lying.


We know Chick is really alive, because we've seen him have scenes independent of Norman where he interacted with other people, such as the lady he bought the typewriter from. I think that's key.


I loved the linen day convo!
It was physically painful to see Norman fighting himself in the kitchen. If it would have lasted a second longer, I would've had to look away. :/
I'm shocked that he turned himself in since that's such a turn from the original psycho. I wonder if this clarity will last or will he ultimately end up as Mother in a chair, ignoring the flies...


There was that scene where she says "if things get too hard, you can always just let me take over for good". The mother persona wants to be the only one. She doesn't even want to share.
It made me think of Legion where the David persona was locked in a coffin , pushed deep down and unable to do anything while the shadow king had taken over his body.

So the Norman persona won that battle on the kitchen table, enough to make the phone call, but I think the Norma persona will be back, and might win the war. We still have the whole Romero storyline to wrap up, too.


That's true, I forgot that Mother said that. Romero may be too late if Norman's at the hospital but I guess we will have to wait and see how his story wraps up!


No, didn't predict any of it. Try not to, though. Don't want to spoil it for myself. Enjoyed every minute of this episode. Dylan and Norman, Norman protecting Dylan from Mother, the doctor shocker, everything.


I love when they surprise us, while still including enough iconic lines and visuals from the movie to let us nerds have a little nerdgasm. It's walking a tightrope to balance both things, and they are doing it really well.


Yeah, they've done a great job.


I , too, love the iconic lines, which is why I was so disappointed with the entire "Marion" episode. Truly ridiculous.
