Just finished the movie. So my two cents?
I mean...wow... so I heard all the good reviews about this movie, and was interested. I enjoy the idea of a psychological horror film, and when someone like David Lynch, or David Cronenberg does it, it's beautiful!!! Then theirs this director... Randy Moore... good effort. This director has very evidently watched great directors like Lynch, but ha snot yet understood why Lynch shoots the movie the way he does. So the whole press and hype for this movie was how it was shot in the parks without Disney's permission. This of course led to the whole "Disney doesn't want you to see this movie on this evil corporation!!!! We are exposing them!!!" Now you can purchase the movie at target because Disney decided not to do anything about it. Well after watching this movie, I myself wish I hadn't. People were so blinded by how it was shot and made, they didn't care the movie wasn't that good. I like to call this the "Star Wars Episode I" effect: Where we are so impressed on how the film was done, we don't really look at the overall quality of the movie until later. Their is so much wrong with this movie. The main character is played by a decent actor, the character he plays is just a horrible person. He stalks to teenagers, who are very young I may add, has sex with a woman supposedly hypnotized, (though why the woman never shows up again is strange), and the evil woman who captures his daughter... why was that scene in there? That's actually most of this movie. The Hypnotizing woman is never brought up again, the evil woman who kidnapped the daughter is never brought up again, the robot who captured him is never brought up again, and the damn opening of the movie where the boy is decapitated is never brought up again!!! Then finally, he dies from the cat flu, which somehow the French girl was immune too, and dies with, to be fair, a very creepy image. But the movie does all this surreal horror and psychological stuff, but they don't say anything with it. This movie has plot threads that don't go anywhere. If anything the movie "may" be trying to comment on is forced happiness. The family is at the happiest place on earth but they sure aren't happy, and the movie comments that maybe theme parks shouldn't try too hard to force happiness on their guests. The movie sucks because the director is acting all artsy, but theirs not a reason behind it. Moore fails to capture what the movie could be saying on big corporations but it's written so poorly. This movie is the same gripe I have with "Moulin Rouge"; just because you shoot something intensely, it doesn't mean it is intense. The film is not poetic, it's not good, and it really deserves just to die away, and leave room and attention for other movies that can tell stuff like this better. Keep all that "how it was shot" BS away from me, because in the end it doesn't matter how it was shot, it matters on what the movie captures. This movie fails to capture anything that the world doesn't know.
If you liked the movie, great, and this was just my opinion, so please take this with some salt. Hope you're having a great day!!! Thanks for reading my silly two cents.