
I was just thinking that everyone who plans on killing someone plans it before the day of the purge, these murders are premeditated,also conspiring to murder, making them illegal any way,are or they?

It's tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme, that's right a rhyme its tricky,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Not in this world. America is under new leadership called the New Forefathers of America.

They passed new laws allowing all crime to be legal for one night.



Put it this way, if I said i was going to kill someone anytime before the purge starts,would the cops come and stop me...............................???


Because it is illegal.
On the purge night. Anything goes.

Have you seen the movie?


Premeditated murder committed during the purge is not a crime, since everything is legal in those 12 hours. Planning on doing it the night before is not a crime in itself, as long as you don't do it then.


Actually planning a crime to commit in the future is a crime. It's called conspiracy. So there's no reason people planning to commit murder/burglary/rape etc. during the Purge couldn't be arrested for conspiracy before the Purge happens. At least I'm using logic so I guess maybe that's where my theory falls apart.


Yeah, but since it's not a crime during the purge they are essentially planning to do something legal in the future..


I'm guessing if somebody catches you planning the murder and you get exposed then it would be jail time, because it still is conspiracy. And it isn't purge time yet.


At the beginning of the movie, someone calls in to a radio station and says he's going to kill his boss. That definitely counts as planning the murder and telling everyone. I'm guessing what he did is legal, or else he's just reeeaaally stupid.

There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch
