Purge etiquette?
There are many unanswered questions arising from this documentary...
1) most importantly, how is the insurance worked out? Do you buy special 'purge' house insurance? Do the companies pay out for life insurance? Is life insurance paid out regardless or do you have to prove they were a victim?
The family followed during the documentary would be left with out the main bread winner and an awful lot of damage to repair but can they prove that they were victims?
2) what does one do with the assorted dead bodies left lying around ones home?
If the homeowner kills someone in their home I assume they have to legally dispose of the body but what if neighbours kill someone in your garden? Do you have to prove that you didn't kill them?
3) Is it like a sporting event where you knock seven bells out of each other but if you are alive at the hooter you congratulate each other and have a beer together?
4) If I am a psychopath from another country can I pop over to America on the day and slap a few people around? May be there are package tours.
5) How stringently are the rules followed, ie can I knock off a few neighbours during the year, put them in the freezer and then scatter them about the road during the Purge? Will anyone investigate the deaths and do a post mortem?
The film maker failed to fully explain the subject matter and I couldn't find any government advice on the subject.