A liberal's wet dream: capitalism run amok
Apparently, in the author's humble opinion, the point here is that after the inevitable collapse of capitalism, which is built on the backs of the poor, our elite rulers decide that the strain the poor put on the system is too great and society should be unburdened of the have-nots who have been cast away as the proverbial 'losers' in this otherwise presumably 'just' system... So this would appear to be the logical conclusion of humanity's greed, carried to the extreme, when considering the fallibility of a supposed system that feeds on human suffering and lauding the 'SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST' philosophy. So we have the 'haves' hunting down the poor and destitute for sport...
Anyway, any comparison to our current economic system is null and void, since we have NOTHING resembling 'free, laizzes-faire' enterprise as originally intended; we only have complete and total corrupt corporate cronyism, an oligarchy, rule by the few the moneyed interests, where the absolute vast majority of 'welfare' goes directly to our owners on Wall Street. Our middle class is being shat on, and a collapse of the system will occur only from the greed of the few who run the corporation known as the US, Britain, etc., and the hate they have for us little people.
To actually believe that a group of these 'freaks' would waste so much time on one homeless guy, when they could be killing dozens of other defenseless people is absurd per se. The movie has a grossly deformed view of human nature, portraying the neighbors as envious and hateful despite their own financial security, and humanity as being perfectly willing to sacrifice its castaways in a gladiatorial game so as to retain its material comforts. We may be some of these things currently, but only because that is how we have been trained, like Pavlov's dogs, to salivate at violence and the potential for another dollar of profit, no matter the source or suffering it may cause, but I completely disagree that humans are naturally violent greedy or destructive if the current social conditioning system is removed.
Thanks for viewing my arrogant rant; yes I'm full of *beep* I just needed to vent from viewing this silly crappy piece of crap that is supposed to pass for art. Communist tyranny where assets are evenly distributed is not the preference to a Republic.