Chloe/Daniel subtext, Daniel's emotional progression
I'd like to speak to some subtext in the Chloe-Daniel scene. It's been building for a few episodes. I think there's a unity to it, related to Daniel's emotional progression.
Daniel snaps at Chloe, and of course anger is a measure of how much someone cares. In this case, about several things, which have a big cumulative force. I find this response faithful to what we sometimes do when we're very afraid of a truth someone is telling us. We shoot the messenger.
The stakes are high with counseling, but I don't think just for Daniel, and I think he's intuiting this. I think he's becoming aware of who the other beneficiary might be, and why she's pushing this course of action while she's away. There will be a birth; but I think Chloe also hopes to see a rebirth.
Looking at the progression, there's this, from #403, Bob & Carol & Ted Jr & Alice:
DANIELThen from ep. 404, Go Ask Roger:
What's your deal?
What do you mean?
Regarding me.
Look, I don't have myself completely
figured out yet, so I can't ascribe a
clear motive to my every action and
desire. But I can say that I'm not
looking for a longtime companion
or a sex partner, for that matter.
DANIELIt has everything to do with it. "Going to your sister's" is of course a long interruption in a relationship barely started. They're developing an intimacy, and he's worried the rug's going to be pulled out from under. Why is she sharing herself intimately, involving him in intimate things? Why bother?
I don't know what it is we're
we're doing.
We're just getting to know
each other.
I thought you were going to
your sister's.
What does that have to do
with it?
The answer, I think, is she is testing the water. Dipping a foot, hesitant to dive in.
More from ep. 404:
DANIELSo in 406, when Daniel says "send me a postcard," I think he's really saying "I'm mad that you're going away, and I fear losing my connection with you." That's a radically different attitude than settling for "temporarily perfect for each other. At least for today."
You don't owe me anything,
Chloe. If it's only this day,
I'll take it.
Sometimes I just freak out
thinking about having a baby
alone. Having a baby with
someone. Having a baby.
Now, that sounds perfectly
I never used to think like that,
Like what?
Of the future.
Me neither.
What am I worried about, then?
We're temporarily perfect for
each other. At least for today.
Looking over this progression, I think what we're witnessing is Daniel starting to dare to think of the possibility of the future, a wholly new way of being for him. Specifically, he's begun to imagine a future with Chloe, no longer satisfied taking "only this day" with her. Put another way, he's begun to ask more of life.
Which brings us to Physics:
DANIELHow far he's come from "This isn't real."
Thank you, Chloe, for all this.
It felt like... It felt like living.
I think it was living. I think
we might actually be living.
So everything is going great. He's feeling deeply connected. Alive. Normal. But right after he expresses this, Chloe reminds him of the elephant in the room, the terrifying obstacle to the newfound feeling of living. No wonder he snaps back! Because this is what he really thinks:
DANIELIn Physics, while Chloe's timing is hard, it segues naturally from the shared feeling of really living. I think she's saying "Please go to counseling, because I'm starting to think of the future with you in it. But I can't commit to that vision unless I see your commitment to healing."
They so hoped I could be
put back together...
My family, sister, mom.
But I don't really see that
happening, Chloe, no matter
the surgeons who attend me.
She never used to think about the future, but she is now, with the baby coming. But there's a new influence pushing her to think of the future, because this man has come into her life and she's clearly developing strong feelings for him. But he's not ready.
If I'm reading the subtext correctly, Chloe has laid out the only means making her attainable. Daniel must see the surgeon and "attend" to putting himself back together. She had to do that when her brother died. Now she's sacrificing for her baby:
CHLOETo my mind, the "baby" isn't just the infant, it's also their new, vulnerable relationship. Chloe does know what she's doing. Not in a calculated way; that's not how she operates. Like Daniel, she's an intuiter, if that's a word. She's asking him to sacrifice now; overtly this is about his own needs, but between the lines it's also about hers, and their fledgling relationship's.
You can come back to the
co-op anytime you want, and
I will not glom on to you again.
Is that what you're doing glomming?
I have no idea what I'm doing. I gave
up pot and I gave up booze and I
gave up dairy. I've given up pretty
much everything except for hormones,
so I have no idea at this time as to
what it is that I am doing.
Chloe doesn't say this directly. Maybe because she isn't so aware of it. Or maybe because she realizes it wouldn't be a good idea; she's a woman of her word, and making such a claim on him would be "glomming."
"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson share