Is it this case? especially in juxtaposition to the guy who conned Stern and wanted his potatoes is it amantha? he had a slight slirty momment where he said "she looked better", but he fever for the Daniel case. Is it all ego about himself, wanting to win the the big one before he packs it all in? Daniel wants to be free, maybe not just free of paulie, maybe being pushed to be free from the guilt, like how chloe explained in an almost hokey but very ressonating speech, and jon has seen that, or it could be amanthas sweet ass, fing men, all pigs, the lot of us
Jon's a gifted attorney. He'll be fine. We see more and more now how driven he is to find the responsible parties. I feel very sure, given recent events, that this will be his new career path, something I'd begun kicking around a little while back.
Being burned out on the Innocence Project doesn't mean Jon's lost all drive! He's working harder than ever.
I don't think it's about Amantha. I didn't believe Jon when he fell on his sword with the prosecutor. He did all anyone could have done with the information available at the time, and a client who was not likely to be deemed legally incompetent but could not cope with the process. It was Daniel who just wanted it over.
Jon, he wants to catch the killer. He wants real justice, to the extent it can still be had. What happened to Daniel can never be made right, but a full exoneration would at least free him now. And helping to prosecute Hanna's killer would be deeply satisfying for Jon, I think.
I agree with you, but to me it seemed like Jon is sick of it all and wants out. Maybe not a tax attorney that was mentioned in last night's episode, but something in a different direction. I keep remembering in season 3 (it might have been 2) where he was purchasing a condemned man's last meal. Jon fought for the man and during the guy's last meal as he was enjoying his food, he nonchalantly mentioned to Jon that he was guilty. That he killed those people (the guy must have been a serial killer). Maybe Jon knew the whole time he was guilty and was just fighting to keep him from dying by way of the DP, but THE LOOK ON HIS FACE. The condemned man was smiling and taunting Jon and maybe that explained Jon's look of shock and disgust. That would sure rock my world.
Jon will land on his feet whatever he does. The man is full of piss and vinegar, but at the same time he's questioning if he wants to keep up this particular line of work.
As far as him and Amantha, I don't think it would work even if they wanted to try.
I see him becoming a law professor. You don't have to be a member of the bar to teach, in the event Jon's law license is threatened over the ICA.
Whatever he does, I don't want him with Amantha, because I don't thin she ever intens to leave Paulie, and what career future can Jon have there? It's a good place for zombies.
I guess career suicide is too strong of a term, he is definitely done with justice row(despite telling the DA otherwise) he told Amantha that the motion for incompetency was a last resort
and he didn't exactly throw himself on his sword in the da's office but rather threaten too, as a way to put things into perspective for the DA
Basically he was saying "lets get down to the bottom of this, i know you are not an idiot, but i am willing to do what it takes to exonerate Daniel and get to the truth"
The DA now officially knows of the sexual relationship between Amantha and Jon, but to report it would destroy the plea deal, taking up year of time, tonnes of tax payer money, and with the new evidence there is no way they could find a of 12 people to convict Daniel,
she herself says so when talking to Roland Foulkes in season 2, and that was before all this other evidence came to light
Jon is a defense attorney, and as someone mentioned before, he should be working in investigatory prosecution,
This is a gambit for Jon, it isn't just his career at stake, it is his mental well being, if he cannot exonerate Daniel, i think he may end up a broken man, conversely, if he manages to exonerate Daniel he will have the world lifted off his shoulders, and he will be free of the "bondage" that has been tormenting him for all this time
i think it might have even been this thread actually, i think what Jon Stern needs a vacation, not all this traveling back and forth, dealing with so much depression, he needs some time off, and most likely, to see a shrink,
while not subject to direct trauma like Daniel, he has had trauma, id imagine, that the build up of viewing all that disturbing real evidence, and horrifying testimonys could lead to Complex-ptsd( a proposed offset of PTSD where there traumas are lesser, but compounded over a period of time, like the victim of an abusive relationship, ),
I think it's mostly about Amantha. I think her passion for Daniel was contagious and Jon caught whatever she had. So yes he wants to see justice for Daniel but he came back to Paulie because of Amantha. The longer he keeps the case going, the more time he has to interact with Amantha even if ultimately they don't end up together. (I'm still rooting for them though...and Ted and Janet...and even Ted Jr and Tawney. I think if all these relationships fall apart there will be an air of fakeness injected into what is maybe the realest show on TV. I think it's unrealistic that EVERY relationship fails. I'm hoping the writers don't go that route, but we shall see.)
"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy
Unless he gets disbarred I wouldn't say he's commited career suicide. He could always get on as some one's in-house counsel where they don't have much public interaction or just helping people draw up wills or even become one of those attorneys that chase accident victims.