New Dimensions for Daniel
At first I was not overly fond of last night's episode. I didn't like what it showed about Daniel who seemed to be a lot more surly and unlikable or how it showed little affection between Amantha and Jon or Ted and Janet. Just all-around it wasn't a feel-good episode. In hindsight, I see that was the point.
This show's writers might be the best character writers to ever do it. They have now rounded out Daniel's character. Unlike shows that go the cliché route, this show did not adapt the attitude that all victims are always right or likable; this show shows that he is a human being, which makes it all the richer. At first I thought his telling his mom to "move on" was cruel, but again upon further review, it was just his way of wanting to be a human instead of a symbol. He needed to be able to breathe and make mistakes and love and learn like a human being instead of this symbol for "a poor victim of the justice system." I now get that.
What a season thus far in terms of character development! Teddy the villain is now the one you feel sorry for, Daniel is the moody one inches from the next outburst lol. Amantha who was obsessed with her brother before has now moved on in a mature way, while level-headed Jon is now the rabid dog with the bone. The show just keeps growing and growing through its characters.
Thoughts on this last episode?
"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy